Welcome! We’re pleased you stopped by. We offer GREAT Library service, all-age programming and access to over 1,000,000 check-out-able items.
Hours: 10AM – 6PM 7 days a week.
Find us at 71 Firehouse Lane, Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545 (970) 881-2664 email help@redfeatherlibrary.org. ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT __
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Getting a card, getting started, using the library.
e-Books / e-Audio / Streaming
All ages, all-interest books, eBooks, eAudio, eComics, streaming movies & TV, how-to-do-it .. and more!
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A library card; weekly email ‘Events’ blast, or ‘New books’ list & SRP logs.
Kid's art at Mtn. Meetin' Place: Wednesdays 3 - 4p
Contact darlene@redfeatherlibrary.org for openings.
Friends of the RFL Library
Strong, local FOL group supports the library, community & area literacy
STEM for kids @ the library: Thursdays 3:40 - 5p
Contact darlene@redfeatherlibrary.org for openings.
Red Feather Lakes Community Library home page Library catalog Location/Hours
Red Feather Lakes Community Library / Box 123, (71 Firehouse Lane) / Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545, 970-881-2664 970-881-2836 (fax) help@redfeatherlibrary.org