Library User Record Confidentiality, Privacy and Removal Policy  

Red Feather Mountain Library District Library User Record Confidentiality, Privacy and Removal Policy

Reviewed and approved by the Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees, February 22, 2022

1-The Red Feather Lakes Community Library staff, volunteers, and Board of Trustees are required by Colorado Library Law to keep library patron records and circulation records confidential and to remove those records when no longer required in conducting library business.

2-Red Feather Mountain Library District collects consensual personal information from users to provide those individuals with library services. The purposes are two-fold: to uniquely identify an individual from other library users and to provide the means of contact by which, during regular library operations communication is advisable or necessary.

3-The possession of a library card or number implies consent by the card holder to access the account; and may be used by authorized library personnel to conduct normal library activities related to that account upon receipt of the card holder’s last name and library card number.

4-User personal information collected is private and confidential and will not be released or discussed outside of the individual themselves excepting as needed through normal library administrative operations or through subpoena or court order. Users have the right and ability to review their own information through individualized personal accounts and to suggest modification.

5-User personal information will be secured in those fashions that best protects that information while allowing authorized access for conducting library operations. E.g., use within a library circulation system to charge specific materials to specific individuals. Other, archived information for current users will be maintained encrypted with only those library staff members needing direct administrative access provided passwords.

6-User library accounts are designated inactive where the cardholder is deceased, reported no longer living within the Library District with no further need of District services, has closed their account by returning their library card to the Library, or has not used their card within a specified number of years as determined by written Library Procedure. These accounts will be periodically, fully purged from library machine and print records.

7-User accounts associated with unreturned library materials or unpaid title replacement fees are considered active until resolved.


(Colorado) House Bill 18-1128 ‘Consumer Privacy Bill’

Library User Record Confidentiality, Privacy and Removal Procedure


Reviewed and approved by the Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees, February 22, 2022

Merged with Confidentially of Library Records Policy Feb. 22, 2022.

April 24, 2021

Reviewed, amended and adopted by the Red Feather Mountain Library Board of Trustees October 24, 2018