Red Feather Mountain Library District

Records Policy


Reviewed and approved by the Red Feather Mountain Board of Trustees, March 21, 2023.



This policy addresses the organization, access, retrieval, storage, security, privacy, and retention of records held or generated by Red Feather Mountain Library District.


Library records encompass all manner of library functions and processes and can be organizational, financial, transactional, historical or transitional. Many are public documents; some relating to user privacy or employees are confidential. Some are determined by county, state or federal statute.




Library records will be organized both within and without the library in ways that promote appropriate access, use and retention. Records may be either electronic, paper, or audio-visual in format. Electronic formats, accessible by commonly available, secure, and appropriate software programs, are preferred.


Formats for financial records will meet state and federal guidelines and commonly accepted financial or accounting structures.


Normally, accepted office practice of storage, preservation and arrangement will be followed unless other local methods of organization optimize arrangement, access and use.


Arrangement will be by need of access, security and available storage.





Most Library records are public records and thus subject to review by members of the public through prescribed means.


(See the RFLMD Open Records Policy)

(See the RFLMD Open Records Access Procedure)



However, there are classes of records that are confidential.

  • Employee records are confidential.
  • Records of negotiation to the benefit of the Library are temporarily confidential until the issue at hand is resolved. (24-6-402 C.R.S.)
  • User records and information are permanently confidential; however, such confidentially does not prevent the library from conducting normal administrative or transactional tasks with these accounts (24-90-119 C.R.S.).




Records retrieval will be by authorized Library staff and/or Board of Trustee members and volunteers in the performance of assigned tasks.


Staff and volunteers will sign a non-disclosure statement prior to having access to user or member information.


Records for public perusal will be facilitated and overseen by the Library Director according to Open Records policies and procedures.





Records storage may be either in or out-of-library, contingent on level of access or security needed.


Offsite storage will be utilized as appropriate for both electronic and/or paper records.


Some Library electronic records are stored through contract by third parties (i.e. the materials and patron databases, library email accounts, offsite or ‘cloud’ storage methodologies).



Security and redundancy


Records will be stored in manners that promote availability and discourage unauthorized removal, modification or destruction.


Records will be stored in manners that limits intrusion or physical damage.


Sensitive or confidential files will be appropriately under lock-and-key or password-protected.


Backup copies will be created and maintained for primary documents, financial records, historical documents and photos, transactional records and other documents deemed necessary.


Backup copies of staff work files, day-to-day correspondence or activity lists will not necessarily be retained other than those in conducting current or foreseeable work.


The Library Director will retain a master copy of each key and password that will be accessible by copy to the President of the Board of Trustees.






Retention and removal


Primary documents (such as charters and deeds) will be maintained indefinitely.


Financial, transaction and employee records will be kept according to the current Guidelines for Retention Procedure ( .


Patron information will be created and retained at the minimum level required to conduct successful material borrowing transactions and sufficient workflow contact information in accordance with Colorado privacy and retention of personal information laws.


Records and/or backup copies of records considered surplus, out-of-date or no longer needed will be shredded or otherwise securely destroyed.








The Colorado Open Records Act (24-72-201 C.R.S.)

The Colorado Sunshine Law (24-6-402 C.R.S.)

MSEC federal record retention guide

Privacy of User Records (24-90-119 C.R.S.)

Records and electronic records (24-72-203 C.R.S.)

RFMLD Offsite Backup Sources and Methods Procedure

RFMLD Records Inventory

RFLMD Open Records Policy

RFLMD Open Records Access Procedure

RFLMD Staff Data Backup Procedure

IRS use of electronic accounting software records frequently asked questions” at




Revision history

Reviewed and approved by the Red Feather Mountain Board of Trustees, March 21, 2023.


Revised and approved by the Red Feather Mountain Library Board May 27, 2020.


Revised and approved by the Red Feather Mountain Library Board Oct. 26, 2016.


Reviewed and adopted by the Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees on Oct. 23, 2013.