- Call to order: Jackie Scheuerman called the meeting to order at 11:08am
- Determination of a quorum
Trustees Present: Jackie Scheuerman, Ross Reid, Julie Sauter, Leo Tipton, Bill Grindle, Patrice
Diem, Bill Moxon
Library Staff Present: Director – Creed Kidd, Jena Paonessa, Darlene Kilpatrick, Janet Markley, Peggy Wuenstel
- Approval of the March 20, 2024 Minutes: Motion made by Bill Grindle and seconded by Leo Tipton to approve the amendedMarch 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Board of Trustees Correspondence – none
- Public Comments (limited to 5 minutes each, no more than four speakers) – none
- Friends of the Library Report – none
- Friends of the Library Report – none VIII. Librarian Reports:
- Programming Librarian: Darlene Kilpatrick – N40 is recruiting Ham radio operators; 14 attended Seasonal Vegetable class; GV Bunny Day 120 kids attended; new lights installed in Stenzel room; Navigator Program position open through Americorp; did not get the Colorado Health Foundation Grant
- Circulation Librarian: Janet Markley – see report
- Public Service Librarian: Peggy Wuenstel – 28 people attended April Lunch ‘n’ Learn; Summer Reading Program, May 31 – August 17; Welcome Neighbors Folders – give electronically to Realtors or Chamber of Commerce; tech support offered IX. Committee reports:
- Treasurer and Finance Committee Report: Julie and Jena – Savings account – $120,000 need six months operational funds in account; CSIP – $587,123 is liquid at approximately 5.4% ; Checking accounts – combined $23,000; $35,200 N40Mt Alliance reimbursed $36,214 for Think Tanks; received $78,000 from Larimer County; Creed is requesting $5,000 by state legislature for books by June 30; 1st quarter taxes paid; training for online version of Quickbooks will help preparation of taxes with one time charge $350 for data migration – Jena/Creed will ask about backup data into our own local drive, Bill Grindle will share contact info of Ft. Collins company that stores cloud data; discussed moving money to money markets.
Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Ross Reid to move $125,000 from our Savings account to our CSIP account. Motion passed unanimously.
- Policy Committee – Bill Grindle will prepare a rough draft of the Use of Security
Cameras and Videography Policy to be adopted in June; need to begin Assistive Technology/ADA Accessibility Policy by July1st
- Director’s Report – waiting for responses on audits; reconsideration of the House Bill regarding patron complaints about book selection; during power outage our backup power failed, related to charging and switch issues, need a training day for staff on backup systems, need extra propane tank $8,900 for extended running time, we are currently renting our single 1,000 gallon tank – Creed will check pricing for purchase of tanks/alternative providers; solar batteries are affected by extreme weather – may need insulated walkway that involves a county permit XI. Unfinished Business: Update on last month’s to do list:
- Updates on the CFNC and investment funds: Julie Sauter – we need to rewrite the old MOU with CFNC and the Friends and revitalize the committee. CFNC philanthropic services officer willing to meet via video conference to explain the process. Julie Sauter will schedule a video conference meeting and invite the Board; Creed will contact John Stenzel to invite to the meeting.
- Review of the board document presented by Anna Szczepanski’s – accepted by Board consensus
- SB24-049 update: Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature) is still being revised
- Webpage ADA accessibility – still in progress
- Library cybersecurity – continuing to work with staff
- Follow-up – Creed is sharing procedures with staff about guns in libraries or sensitive sites
- New Business:
- Farewell to Jackie and assignment of Board offices – Creed will contact CFNC/1st Bank to remove Jackie Scheuerman from signature lists; open position will be through face to face recruitment and weekly
Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Bill Grindle to accept the resignation of Jackie Schuerman as a Board member effective at the end of this meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Bill Moxon to appoint Ross Reid as President of the RFLCL Board of Trustees. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Ross Reid to appoint Bill Grindle as Vice President of the RFLCL Board of Trustees . Motion passed unanimously.
- Library power outage of April 5 and 6 – discussed under Director’s Report
- The library as an emergency center – need a practice drill/training; at least 2 library staff needed during emergencies; Darlene Kilpatrick will schedule a meeting with OEM Connects (Camille Millard/Lori Hodges) & N40 Mt. Alliance & RFLC Library – to ask
for guidelines regarding power outage, furnace outage, water outage to determine
whether we open in an emergency.
- Next Policy and Documents: May 15, 2024, 10:30am
Next Board meeting: May 15, 2024, 11:00am
Next Finance: (incorporated within the general board meeting)
- Adjournment: Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Ross Reid to adjourn the April 17, 2024 Board Meeting at 12:55 pm. Motion passed unanimously.
Red Feather Mountain Library District
Board ‘To Do’ points for the May 15, 2024 meeting
- Jena/Creed will ask about backup data access from QuickBooks into our own local drive
- Bill Grindle will share contact info of Ft. Collins company that stores cloud data
- Bill Grindle will prepare a rough draft of the Use of Security Cameras and Videography Policy to be adopted in June
- Creed will check pricing for purchase of tanks/alternative providers
- Julie Sauter will schedule a video conference meeting with CFNC and invite the Board
- Creed will contact John Stenzel to invite to the meeting with CFNC and Board
- Creed will contact CFNC/1st Bank to remove Jackie Scheuerman from signature lists
- Darlene Kilpatrick will schedule a meeting with OEM Connects (Camille Millard/Lori Hodges) & N40 Mt. Alliance & RFLC Library – to ask for guidelines regarding power outage, furnace outage, water outage to determine whether we open in an emergency