Board Documents March

Red Feather Mountain Library District
Policy Committee Agenda
March 20, 2024, 12:30 PM

Held at the Red Feather Community Library, Stenzel Community Room,

 and by Zoom

Call to order:

Determination of a quorum

Reading/correction of the minutes of the October 24, 2023, meeting

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Website Creation and Hosting Services

Next meeting April 17, 2024, 12:30 PM


Red Feather Lakes Community Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Red Feather Mountain District Policy & Board meetings

Time: Mar 20, 2024, 11:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 896 0451 6236

Passcode: 139549


December 12, 2023

8:30 AM

Present: Creed Kidd (Library Director), Darlene Kilpatrick (Programming and Outreach Librarian, via Zoom), Ross Reid, Sumukh Torgalkar (via Zoom), Bill Moxon (via Zoom), Spook Tipton (via Zoom).

The meeting was called to order at 8:35 A.M. A quorum was established.

Minutes from the October 24, 2023 meeting were confirmed with no corrections. Sumukh motioned to accept, Ross seconded, all in favor.

The Reconsideration Procedure was discussed. Steps in Reconsideration was last confirmed by Policy and the Board on September 22, 2022. Of consideration is determining whether Library Director’s meeting with a patron desiring reconsideration should also include a member of staff and/or board. Also, the final decision as to whether it be by Library Director or the Board should be determined as well. Discussion of a potential separate committee on reconsideration is also on the table. Creed will make updates given the discussion and bring them to the January policy meeting. Ultimately, determination must be made and put into policy on how proactive staff and the Board will be on this topic.

The Volunteer Policy was discussed. Concerns came up related to the library’s place in the community and determination of who are considered volunteers in association with this policy and the various events that the library is associated with. In order to determine what’s best for a library of our size that is so invested in the community and need from volunteers but also wishes to protect our volunteers, community, and library, Sumukh will send a message to Anna Szczepanski of CLiC, copying Creed and Darlene, to gain advice on how best to cover these matters in our Volunteer Policy. With that advice, proper updating of the Policy can be done and then be revisited by this committee.

The meeting adjourned at 9:09 A.M.

Meeting minutes recorded by Sumukh Torgalkar

Red Feather Mountain Library District

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

March 20, 2024, 1 PM

Meeting at the Red Feather Community Library and by Virtual Zoom attendance

Call to Order

Determination of a Quorum

Reading/Correction of the Minutes of the Feb. 21, 2024, Board of Trustees meeting


Public Comments – limited to 5 minutes each, no more than four speakers.

Friends of the Library Report

Public Service Librarian Reports




Committee reports:

Treasurer and Finance Committee Report – Julie and Jena

Policy Committee

Director’s Report

Unfinished Business:

Updates on the CFNC and investment funds – Jackie & Julie

Follow-up on Anna Szczepanski’s board presentation in September 2023

SB24-049 Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature)

Webpage ADA accessibility

New Business:

Library cybersecurity
Telephone conversation with John Stenzel per the CFNC library endowment

Resolution approving the 2023-year exemption from audit
Short takes: Library board meetings

Next Policy and Documents: April 17, 2024, 11:30AM

Next Board meeting: April 17, 2024, 12PM

Next Finance: (incorporated within the general board meeting)


Official placing and posting notices: inside library bulletin board; library front entrance exterior bulletin board; Main Street library bulletin board; library webpage

Red Feather Lakes Community Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Red Feather Mountain District Policy & Board meetings

Time: Mar 20, 2024 11:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 896 0451 6236

Passcode: 139549

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Meeting ID: 896 0451 6236

Passcode: 139549

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Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees Meeting

MINUTES – February 21, 2024, 1 PM

Red Feather Community Library Stenzel Room and Zoom

  1. Call to Order – Meeting called to order at 1:02pm
  2. Determination of a Quorum –

Trustees Present:         President                                 Jackie Scheuerman

Vice President                         Ross Reid

Treasurer                                 Julie Sauter

Secretary                                 “Spook” Tipton

Trustee                                    Bill Grindle

Trustee                                    Patrice Diem

  • Approval of Minutes – Moved by Bill Grindle and seconded by Julie Sauter to approve the January 3, 2024 minutes. Unanimously approved.
  1. Board of Trustees Correspondence – none
  2. Public Comments – none
  3. Friends of the Library Report – none
  • Public Service Librarian Reports –
    1. Darlene Kilpatrick reported that United Way funding structure is changing in a year to place based grants where resources are located in a single location; Ben Holzworth and Kylie

Thielke will plan for holiday events; ready to order the Pods from the Rural Senior Center Improvements Grant for $36,000

  1. Janet Markey – responsible for mailchimp library communications, collection of overdues/missing materials, using Prospector software to link to our Aspencat software for checkout of materials, and updating inventory
  2. Peggy Wuenstel – see report in meeting packet
  • Committee reports –
    1. Treasurer and Finance Committee Report – Julie Sauter and Jena Paonessa

Moved by Patrice Diem and seconded by Bill Grindle to add the $10,000 from the CD, expiring February 22, 2024, to our savings account. Unanimously approved.

Colorado S??? Investment Program (CSIP) – current balance is $581,922,93 and available to use for payment of Pods; will be reimbursed through John Parker – North 40 Mountain


Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Bill Grindle to approve use of CSIP funds not to exceed $36,000 for Library Pods. Unanimously approved.

  1. Corrections to the 2024 operating budget – Public Service Librarian should be 18 hours rather rather than 15 hours, changing the total pay to $19, 656. The 401K Library Contribution was missed for $3,000. Motion made by Bill Grindle and seconded byRoss Reid to amend the 2024 budget to reflect the wage change for the public service librarian and the 401K library contribution. Unanimously approved
  2. Policy Committee – none
  1. Director’s Report – Bill Grindle and Darlene Kilpatrick will call CLiC for training with ReciteMe software; Creed Kidd will order software for compatibility check – $100

Page 1                                                                                                                                       2/21/24 PJDiem

Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees Meeting

MINUTES – February 21, 2024, 1 PM

Red Feather Community Library Stenzel Room and Zoom

  1. Unfinished Business:
    1. Library/Community Association MOU – Moved by Julie Sauter and seconded by Bill

Grindle to accept the January 21, 2024 Memorandum of Understanding between the Red Feather Lakes Community Association and the Red Feather Lakes Community Library. Unanimously approved.

  1. Determination of 2024 committee membership – Finance Committee: Jackie Scheuerman, Julie Sauter – chair, Ross Reid, Patrice Diem Policy: Bill Grindle -cochair, Patrice Diem cochair , Jackie Scheuerman, Spook Tipton
  2. Scheduling of the 2024 meetings – Trustees will meet the third Wednesday of each month at 1pm regular meeting; policy committee will meet monthly 12:30pm; finance committee meets within the meeting until budget process begins
  3. Updates on the Community Foundation Northern Colorado (CFNC) and investment funds – Jackie Scheuerman clarified with Carrie Miller & Jordon Cooke from CNFC that the endowment fund balance is $433,648.87 with annual fee at 4.5% interest rate and cannot be dispersed; that the accrued interest from the endowment is being held in an investment fund at 2.47% and up to $100,000 can be dispersed for library use by making a financial request and receiving approval from the CFNC committee; 1998 is the last time any patron donated to the endowment account; finance committee will meet with CFNC managers to ask for advice on future plans to maintain relationships with CFNC and John Stenzel
  4. Follow-up on Anna Szczepanski’s board presentation in September, 2023 – Creed will contact to schedule for April to approve Trustee norms New Business:
  5. Welcome to new board member Patrice Diem
  6. Library cybersecurity – tabled until March; Streamline wanted $315 monthly to provide service; Bill Grindle will get recommendation of security/website company
  7. Webpage ADA accessibility – discussed under Director’s Report
  8. Updating board contact information – Jackie Scheuerman will send out new contact list
  9. SB24-049 Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature)
  • Next Policy and Documents: March 20, 2024 at 12:30pm
  • Next Board meeting: March 20, 2024, at 1pm
  • Next Finance: combined within the regular Trustee Meeting until budget process begins
  1. Adjournment: Motion made by Julie Sauter and seconded byBill Grindle to adjourn the February 21 Trustee meeting at 3:05pm. Unanimously approved.

Page 2
2/21/24 PJDiem

March Finance Report


Jena Paonessa

We have received our large deposit from the Larimer County Treasurer and our Savings account is now up to $150,760. CSIP is currently at $584,440. Our 3 checking accounts have $11,600 combined. The Premier Savings account has been closed and the money transferred back into Savings.

The Thinktanks have been ordered and the check was mailed overnight mail last Wednesday. The total for these 2 think tanks was $36.214. This amount is supposed to be reimbursed to us from the North 40, who is our fiscal sponsor for the Senior Grant.

We have spent about $2,000 out of the $5,000 from the State Grant for adult and children’s books. This amount will be paid to us when we submit the full $5,000 spent before the end of June.

!st Quarter taxes will be paid at the end of this month after payroll is processed.

Red Feather Lakes Library  Darlene Kilpatrick Library Board Report March 2024

Update for the North 40 Mtn Alliance:

Total numbers since 2020 – 2023

  • Number of visits: 38,037
  • Total households (repeat visits) 16,506
  • Total number people first time visit: 2119
  • Kids: 7267 19%
  • Adults: 12,982 34%
  • Seniors 60+ : 17788 48%

Distributed 909,519 pounds (455 tons) of food from April 2020 to December 30, 2023.

$1,755,371. 00 dollar’s worth of food and 757,932.00 meals distributed by the North 40 Food Pantry from April 2020 to Dec 30, 2023- as estimated for the FBLC.

  • We have a steady flow of people at the pantry except when it snows 3 feet. We delayed opening till Monday and will be open again this Friday.
  • We are preparing for Easter and will purchase hams and pies for the holiday.
  • We finally have our new truck and using it to pick up food.
  • I applied to a grant with The Colorado Trust for the pantry and N40RIDES. The N40MA would partner with the library for social outings and to offer resources on mental health services. This grant would include hiring a consultant to evaluate current programs and community need. Jane Hinsch and Janet Gibbs were a tremendous help. It was over 36 pages.


  • My final 2 cooking classes for the Small Grants Community Partnering 2023 are March 21st for

Seasonal Vegetables – in collaboration with Jill from Vegetable and Ranch to Table on March

28th – in collaboration with Ptatsnik Cattle and Bret Oberhammer

  • Ben, Kylie, Bonnie, Mike and myself are dong GV art and STEM until the first week on May. Ben and Kylie have been doing a great job and often run STEM with the 2 of them.
  • The hiking group is doing well.
  • Ben, Kylie and myself continue to work together to plan the Bunny Day event. We will cancel if the weather is bad.
  • Peggy has done a wonderful job preparing for SRP. Ben, Kylie, Peggy and myself will all work together to plan out events and prizes.
  • Ben gave a very successful talk on rocks/geology. We are planning on summer programs for him to lead classes to hunt for crystals at their dig site.
  • For the summer I will be offering more courses on connecting to nature and agriculture. I will be reaching out to more ranches for classes.
  • Kylie, Ben, the SEEC board and I are planning SEEC classes for this summer.


  • If I have the time, I will apply for another Bohemian grant and potentially apply for the kids program and the pantry.
  • I will be applying for another Emergency Food and Shelter Grant for the pantry.

Other stuff…

I was asked to present to a Nutrition Panel for the Larimer County Office on Aging to talk about the North 40 Food Pantry. I emphasized how the N40MA started through the library and the library work together to run the pantry.  It was well received. Here are some of the emails I got after the talk.

“Wow! I think I speak for the entire council when I tell you I was spellbound as you described what you and the North 40 staff and volunteers are doing in your community. I am so glad you were able to spend that time with us and my fingers are crossed for every grant you submit and every donation you receive. We tend to hear a lot from providers along the urban corridor, but as a former rural resident, I truly understand the challenges you face and am thankful you had the opportunity to share your story. Warmest regards,

Lee Green”

“I was on the Office on Aging call the other day —   I admire all the work you do there.   We are at Dowdy Lake camping several times each summer — told my husband we’ll be bringing donations EVERY time we come to

Red Feather.

Janet’s Report – March 2024

I’m just keeping up with my regularly assigned duties…

Cataloging: Since the last Board Meeting, we’ve added 213 items to the collection.

Lost items: I’m working with patrons who have overdue and lost items. We’ve identified accounts with items lost more than one year and I’ve made notations on the patron’s end. The “Active” Lost List now contains 60.

Mailchimp – So far…12 in 2024

Inventory – Creed gave the OK for me to have my Sunday volunteers take on an inventory of the library.

This started July 23rd and we have 12 collections completed.  As each collection is finished, we’ll mark those items as “missing”. If not accounted for in the next few months…they will be deleted. I requested a custom report from the technicians at AspenCat/Koha to make this process run smoothly.

Older (continuing assignments):

▪ Creed has asked me to keep the Book Club lists current as well. I am also maintaining the clubs’ book lists for

the website. We’re hoping for a way to indicate which books have been assigned to particular meeting dates.

▪ Creed has asked me to keep the Large Print Collection from the Colorado Talking Book Library in a regular rotation.  At the end of each month, I’m retiring old titles so they can be refreshed with new ones.  This requires a bit of cataloging time in addition to materials preparation. I spoke with the Talking Book Library staff about adding more western titles to our collection. There was a little wrinkle with book delivery due to a staffing change at the Talking Book Library, but I think we’re back on track.

▪With the advent of 2 “automated” renewals, for a while I was unable to offer a 3rd renewal. This feature caused a huge bump in “lost items”. Since my last report, the option for a 3rd renewal is available again on the library software, which has brought our numbers back down again.

Quarterly: deleting item records for lost items that are over a year old and have little to no chance of recovery.  Creed has asked that we delete patron accounts with no payment on lost items prior to 2019. These charges owed will be written off.

▪ I continue to maintain our library’s email announcements list and have begun sending out the batch emails. My first successful Mail Chimp campaign was sent on 7/25/16.

2016 – 13 campaigns (announcements) sent

2017 – 38 campaigns (announcements) sent

2018 – 35 campaigns (announcements) sent

2019 – 26 campaigns (announcements) sent

2020 –18 campaigns (announcements) sent

2021 – 31 campaigns (announcements) sent

2022 – 36 campaigns (announcements) sent

2023 – 49 campaigns (announcements) sent

Library Board Report

Peggy Wuenstel, Public Services Librarian

March 20, 2024

Ongoing Activities

  • Public services, circulation and shelving
  • Tutoring Sessions are on hold due to schedule conflict for homeschooling family. They plan to resume sessions in June. Volunteer Mike Pickett will begin providing math tutoring services to another family with three children as soon as their schedule mesh.
  • Lunch and Learn presentation on local geology had 54 individuals in attendance. April will feature local gardening celebrity Chris Charbonneau on High Altitude Gardening. I am hopeful that our new Digital Navigator can provide an overview of on-line resources offered by the library in May. The “Recipe Book” Potluck will take place in in June to promote the Friends of the Library’s search for recipes for their new cookbook and provide some needed seed money for its publication.
  • The Community Calendar feature is running mostly smoothly and seems to be a good community resource.

Janet is an extraordinary resource in this endeavor. We continue to add events and participants as the service becomes more widely known.

  • Cleaning and counting toys and other material lending library materials continues to be a big job. We have determined which incomplete/damaged items need to be replaced and have discarded the rest to neaten the former Ruth’s Gallery space for the upcoming digital navigator.
  • The Friends of the Library sponsored a Read Across America Day on March 2. They provided the funds and volunteer assistance for an event that was attended by 32 individuals. The books that were not distributed during this event will be used as prizes for the summer reading program, and the titles were selected with that in mind. The was someone in the library enjoying the event for the entire three hours we were open, and we received many positive comments. The Friends would like to make this an ongoing event.
  • Summer Reading Program recording sheets are complete. Darlene, Jena, and I need to meet to finalize details on reading logs, prize structure, and finale event. Darlene has indicated she will shift some of the organization and work to library employees Ben and Kylie. The National Theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library”. We previewed this at the Read Across America event to spark children’s interest and have prize books on display. We will add other prizes incrementally in the weeks leading up to the opening of the event. I have reworked recording sheets and streamlined the prize recording process for desk personnel and volunteers. We are hoping to slightly revamp the prize structure, offering chances at larger “adventure” prizes vs. small trinkets for level completions. This will depend on whether we can secure local donors for “Adventure Experiences” and pending the discussion from the SRP team.
  • At Creed’s request I am updating the “New to the Library Folders”, adding additional information about local clubs and organizations, Air Med Ambulance Service, Places of Worship, RFLE and PTO information and Chamber of Commerce and snowplowing resources.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Wuenstel

Public Services Librarian

Red Feather Lakes Community Library


Red Feather Mountain Library District

March 20, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting

Library Director’s report – Creed Kidd

Continued efforts to keep the parking lots and sidewalks clear and safe given frequent snowfall. A great shoutout to our sidewalk volunteer, Bob Getz, who can have these shoveled and available by the time we open.

Jeanine Stenzel donated a VHS tape made at the 1987 library dedication ceremony. We’ve converted this to digital format and now serves as an important record of library history. Next step is to identify people attending the event.

Maintenance person Ben Holzworth has been working with the library’s 3-D printer with the intent of having this available Summer Reading programming this summer.

Also on the to-do list for Ben is mapped shelving within the library and a trip downtown to digitalize the original (and remodeling) blueprint collection.

The revamped Ruth’s Gallery is gleaning a lot of favorable attention with several showings behind us. Currently on display is excellent quilt art by library volunteer Tammie Miller. Library finance officer Jena Paonessa is managing scheduling.

We’ve worked considerably on the library web page through the past month with the intent of bringing it up to date, adding new features, and bringing it into compliance with HB21-110 standards that take effect state-wide for local and state government agencies July 1.

Except for Board Docs, which is not intended for public access, most pdf documents have been converted to formatted plain text.

The ReciteMe tool bar, at a subscription price of $100 per year can read aloud website text for those individuals with eyesight issues accessing the page. We have ordered this product.

Library cybersecurity remains a critical topic. Within the last several months one Colorado library has been the subject of a ransomware attack by (what is suspected to be) a professional Russian ring, asking for a $1.5 million ransom – or the loss of data and the publication of otherwise confidential library records. While the ransom was not paid, the library expects that recovery costs will amount to about $300,000.

Given these issues, retaining cyberattack insurance remains a significant intent as is staff cybersecurity training. To maintain a CSD Pool policy, we are required to meet criteria established by the insurance pool. We will discuss this further in the March meeting.

Among security features established or soon to be is

Cybersecurity staff training by Sumukh Torgalkar.

Use of a standardized password management system for staff.

Increased two-factor authentication use.

Avoidance of email phishing.

VPN usage for sensitive connections.

Continued training of staff through sanctioned CSD Pool courses.

Red Feather Mountain Library District
Resolution to Accept the Exemption from Audit Long Form for the Year ending December 31, 2023

Whereas Library Director Creed Kidd has engaged CPA Carl Henderson of Estes Park Colorado to prepare an exemption from audit for the Red Feather Mountain Library District’s fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and Carl Henderson has done so and returned copies to the Library Board of Trustees,

The Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees after review accepts the exemption from audit and thereby will forward the document to the Colorado Division of Local Government.

Noted this day ___________________________


Jackie Scheuerman, Library Board President