Board Documents January

Red Feather Mountain Library District 

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda 

January 3, 2024, 3 PM 


Meeting at the Red Feather Community Library and by Virtual Zoom attendance  


Call to Order   

Determination of a Quorum   

Reading/Correction of the Minutes of the October 24, 2023, Board of Trustees meeting 


Public Comments – limited to 5 minutes each, no more than four.  


Friends of the Library Report  

Public Service Librarian Reports   





Committee reports:   

Treasurer and Finance Committee Report – Jackie and Jena  

Policy Committee   Report on the December 12, 2023, and January 3, 2024, meetings  


Director’s Report 


Unfinished Business:   

2024 operating budget 

Board position search committee 

SEEC contract 


New Business:   

Library/Community Association MOU 

Determination of 2024 board officers and committee membership 

Scheduling of the 2024 meetings 



Next Policy and Documents: TBD 

Next Board meeting: TBD 

Next Finance: TBD  


Official placing and posting notices: inside library bulletin board; library front entrance exterior bulletin board; Main Street library bulletin board; library webpage at 



Red Feather Mountain Library 

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 

January 3, 2024 


The meeting was called to order at 2:06pm.  Those in attendance were Ross, Bill G. Julie, Jackie, Sumukh, Darlene, Jena, Creed. Bill M. was present via Zoom. 

A quorum was determined. 

Th minutes from the October 24, 2023 meeting were approved as read with a motion from Sumukh and a second from Jackie. 

Darlene gave a verbal report.  175 families were served for Thanksgiving.  She doesn’t have numbers finalized for Christmas. No reports from Peggy or Janet. 

The budget hearing took place at 2:15pm.  After questions, the 2024 budget was approved as written after a motion from Bill G. and a second by Jackie.  The resolution passed unanimously. 

The board decided to move the determination of 2024 board officers and committee membership up to this point in the agenda.  Bill G motioned to add Patrice Deim to the Library Board of Directors after approval from Larimer County and allowing Patrice to finish her commitments with The Friends of the Library. Jackie seconded. After a unanimous vote, the motion passed.   

2024 Board of Directors Officers is as follows: 

President-Jackie Scheuerman 

Vice President-Ross Reed 

Treasurer-Julie Sauter 

Secretary-Spook Tipton 


Finance Committee Board Members will be Julie, Jackie and Ross 

Policy Committee Board Members will be Ross, Patrice and Jackie 


Finance Committee Report:  

The CSIP balance is $579215.12.  The current rate is 5.56% which is still higher than any of the term rates.  It was recommended that we leave the money in the regular account with CSIP. The Premier Account with 1st Bank will mature on February 22nd, 2024.  At the next meeting, we will have to make a choice to proceed with this $10126.54. 


Policy Committee: 

Nothing to report 



Director’s Report: 

Creed is working on our exemption from audit.   

The library has hired a maintenance position who is doing a great job.  

The library is working on accessibility for the website.  This accessibility must be in place by July 1, 2024.   

The library is working with the POA to establish a working MOU.   


Unfinished Business: 

The 2024 Operating Budget has been approved. 

The SEEC contract is still in the process of being agreed upon. 


New Business: 

The MOU between the library and the Community Association was tabled to next month. 

The board meetings for 2024 will be the third Wednesday at 1:00pm.  We will be adding the Finance Committee meetings during the full board meeting.  We will determine the schedule of policy meetings after it is decided how many policies need to be addressed in 2024. 


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm. 



Jackie Scheuerman 


No Committee reports for January 2024