Board documents February   

Red Feather Mountain Library District 

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda 

February 21, 2024, 1 PM 


Meeting at the Red Feather Community Library and by Virtual Zoom attendance  

Call to Order   

Determination of a Quorum   

Reading/Correction of the Minutes of the Jan. 3, 2024, Board of Trustees meeting 


Public Comments – limited to 5 minutes each, no more than four speakers.  


Friends of the Library Report  

Public Service Librarian Reports   




Committee reports:   

Treasurer and Finance Committee Report – Julie and Jena 

Corrections to the 2024 operating budget 

Policy Committee    

Director’s Report 

Unfinished Business:   

Library/Community Association MOU 

Determination of 2024 committee membership 

Scheduling of the 2024 meetings 

Updates on the CFNC and investment funds – Jackie & Julie 

Follow-up on Anna Szczepanski’s board presentation in September, 2023 

New Business:   

Welcome to new board member Patrice Diem 

Library cybersecurity 

Webpage ADA accessibility 

Updating board contact information 

SB24-049 Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature) 



Next Policy and Documents: TBD 

Next Board meeting: TBD 

Next Finance: TBD  


Official placing and posting notices: inside library bulletin board; library front entrance exterior bulletin board; Main Street library bulletin board; library webpage at





Red Feather Lakes Community Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


Topic: RFL Library Board Meeting 

Time: Feb 21, 2024 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 


Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 815 2452 2140 

Passcode: 036033 



Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees Meeting 

MINUTES – February 21, 2024, 1 PM   [DRAFT]

Red Feather Community Library Stenzel Room and Zoom 

  1. Call to Order – Meeting called to order at 1:02pm 
  1. Determination of a Quorum – 

Trustees Present: President Jackie Scheuerman 

Vice President Ross Reid 

Treasurer Julie Sauter 

Secretary “Spook” Tipton 

Trustee Bill Grindle 

Trustee Patrice Diem 

  1. Approval of Minutes – Moved by Bill Grindle and seconded by Julie Sauter to approve the January 3, 2024 minutes. Unanimously approved. 
  1. Board of Trustees Correspondence – none 
  1. Public Comments – none 
  1. Friends of the Library Report – none 
  1. Public Service Librarian Reports – 
  1. Darlene Kilpatrick reported that United Way funding structure is changing in a year to place based grants where resources are located in a single location; Ben Holzworth and Kylie 

Thielke will plan for holiday events; ready to order the Pods from the Rural Senior Center Improvements Grant for $36,000 

  1. Janet Markey – responsible for mailchimp library communications, collection of overdues/missing materials, using Prospector software to link to our Aspencat software for checkout of materials, and updating inventory 
  1. Peggy Wuenstel – see report in meeting packet 
  1. Committee reports – 
  1. Treasurer and Finance Committee Report – Julie Sauter and Jena Paonessa 

Moved by Patrice Diem and seconded by Bill Grindle to add the $10,000 from the CD, expiring February 22, 2024, to our savings account. Unanimously approved. 

Colorado S??? Investment Program (CSIP) – current balance is $581,922,93 and available to use for payment of Pods; will be reimbursed through John Parker – North 40 Mountain 


Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Bill Grindle to approve use of CSIP funds not to exceed $36,000 for Library Pods. Unanimously approved. 

  1. Corrections to the 2024 operating budget – Public Service Librarian should be 18 hours rather rather than 15 hours, changing the total pay to $19, 656. The 401K Library Contribution was missed for $3,000. Motion made by Bill Grindle and seconded byRoss Reid to amend the 2024 budget to reflect the wage change for the public service librarian and the 401K library contribution. Unanimously approved 
  1. Policy Committee – none 
  1. Director’s Report – Bill Grindle and Darlene Kilpatrick will call CLiC for training with ReciteMe software; Creed Kidd will order software for compatibility check – $100 

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Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees Meeting 

MINUTES – February 21, 2024, 1 PM 

Red Feather Community Library Stenzel Room and Zoom 

  1. Unfinished Business: 
  1. Library/Community Association MOU – Moved by Julie Sauter and seconded by Bill 

Grindle to accept the January 21, 2024 Memorandum of Understanding between the Red Feather Lakes Community Association and the Red Feather Lakes Community Library. Unanimously approved. 

  1. Determination of 2024 committee membership – Finance Committee: Jackie Scheuerman, Julie Sauter – chair, Ross Reid, Patrice Diem Policy: Bill Grindle -cochair, Patrice Diem cochair , Jackie Scheuerman, Spook Tipton 
  1. Scheduling of the 2024 meetings – Trustees will meet the third Wednesday of each month at 1pm regular meeting; policy committee will meet monthly 12:30pm; finance committee meets within the meeting until budget process begins 
  1. Updates on the Community Foundation Northern Colorado (CFNC) and investment funds – Jackie Scheuerman clarified with Carrie Miller & Jordon Cooke from CNFC that the endowment fund balance is $433,648.87 with annual fee at 4.5% interest rate and cannot be dispersed; that the accrued interest from the endowment is being held in an investment fund at 2.47% and up to $100,000 can be dispersed for library use by making a financial request and receiving approval from the CFNC committee; 1998 is the last time any patron donated to the endowment account; finance committee will meet with CFNC managers to ask for advice on future plans to maintain relationships with CFNC and John Stenzel 
  1. Follow-up on Anna Szczepanski’s board presentation in September, 2023 – Creed will contact to schedule for April to approve Trustee norms XI. New Business: 
  1. Welcome to new board member Patrice Diem 
  1. Library cybersecurity – tabled until March; Streamline wanted $315 monthly to provide service; Bill Grindle will get recommendation of security/website company 
  1. Webpage ADA accessibility – discussed under Director’s Report 
  1. Updating board contact information – Jackie Scheuerman will send out new contact list 
  1. SB24-049 Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature) 
  1. Next Policy and Documents: March 20, 2024 at 12:30pm 
  1. Next Board meeting: March 20, 2024, at 1pm 
  1. Next Finance: combined within the regular Trustee Meeting until budget process begins 
  1. Adjournment: Motion made by Julie Sauter and seconded byBill Grindle to adjourn the February 21 Trustee meeting at 3:05pm. Unanimously approved. 

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