Board Documents April


Policy committee, April 17, 2024, 10:30 AM

Red Feather Mountain Library District 

Policy Committee Agenda 

April 17, 2024, 10:30 AM

Held at the Red Feather Community Library, Stenzel Community Room, 

 and by Zoom 


Call to order: 

Determination of a quorum 

Reading/correction of the minutes of the October 24, 2023, meeting  


Open Agenda 


Next meeting May 20, 2024, 10:30 AM 

Red Feather Lakes Community Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


Topic: May Board and Policy Meetings 

Time: May 15, 2024 10:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 

Policy Committee Members,

The co- chairs got together and discussed the research and current law regarding security cameras and videography.
Please, look over the current library policy and the Mesa County Library Policy. At the policy meeting we’ll have a draft that combines the two.
Bill Grindle  and Patrice Diem

Red Feather Mountain Library District

Use of Security Cameras and Videography Policy

Approved by the Red Feather Mountain Library Board of Trustees August 25, 2021.

1-Security camera use at Red Feather Mountain Library District facilities is intended to allow and promote public safety; the protection of personal and library property, and the documenting of inappropriate and/or illegal behavior on library property.

2-Use of library security cameras will comply with federal and state law as well as Library ‘right to privacy’ and confidentially protections both by policy and statute.

3-Footage derived from security camera will be held for a limited duration unless needed to document inappropriate or illegal behavior.

4-Access to footage is only permitted by authorized library staff, relay by authorized staff to appropriate law enforcement officials in the event of illegality, or otherwise by warrant or official directive by law enforcement.

5-Clear signage is posted alerting users that security cameras are in use on library property.

6-By written consent library employees may make promotional or historical photographs or videos.


Colorado Statute CRS 24-90-119: Privacy of User Records

Red Feather Mountain Library District Use of Security Cameras and Videography Policy August 25, 2021 page 1

Policy history

Approved by the Red Feather Mountain Library Board of Trustees August 25, 2021.

Red Feather Mountain Library District Use of Security Cameras and Videography Policy August 25, 2021 page 2



Mesa LIBRARIES County Photography, Videography, and Recording Policy


Photography, Videography, and Recording by MCL Visitors

Photography, video recording, and audio recording are allowed under the conditions listed below only to the extent that they do not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of Mesa County Libraries (MCL) or the rights of MCL patrons. MCL will limit or stop photography, videography, and recording on library properties or inside facilities when such restrictions serve library purposes and support the public’s safety or security. Foremost of these is ensuring the right of MCL patrons to use the library freely and confidentially without scrutiny, intimidation, or distraction by others.

Any person photographing. filming. and/or recording on MCL premises:

  • Is expected to be respectful of, and refrain from disturbing other patrons as specified in MCL’s Code of Conduct.
  • Must first obtain all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are photographed, filmed, or recorded. Only a parent or legal guardian may grant such releases and permissions for a minor. Accepts sole responsibility for adherence to copyright law (Title 17, United States Code) regarding reproduction and distribution of copyrighted materials.
  • Is not permitted to take photos, video, or audio of any other person in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms.
Photography, Videography, and Recording Policy I
  • Is prohibited from taking photos, video, or audio of any other person in staff-only areas unless an exception, with staff accompaniment, is made.

Photography, Videography, and Recording by MCL Staff

MCL staff may photograph, film, or record programs and events for library publicity and promotional purposes. MCL staff will make every effort to notify members of the public when photography, videography, and recording is taking place, and signs with crowd-release language will be posted at library events where MCL photography, videography, and/or recording is happening. Reasonable efforts will be made to respect the wishes of patrons who do not want to be photographed, filmed, or recorded.

To ensure the privacy of all individuals, the full names or any personally identifiable information of photographed subjects will not be used without the express written approval from the subject, or if a minor, the parent or legal guardian.

MCL Security Cameras

MCL is dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff while they enjoy a clean, safe, and comfortable environment. In pursuit of this objective, selected public areas of MCL premises are under continuous video surveillance. Security cameras only record images.

  • Purpose of Security Cameras: While it is recognized that video surveillance will not prevent åll incidents, security cameras serve as a potential deterrent and as a means of identifying and prosecuting offenders. While adhering to applicable federal, state, and local laws conceming the confidentiality of

Mesa LIBRARIESCounty        Photography, Videography, and Recording Policy


library records, the disclosure of public records, and the protection of individual privacy, MCL’s video surveillance system will be used only for the identification of persons breaking the law or violating MCL’s Code of Conduct and for the protection and safety of patrons, employees, assets, and property.

  • Signage in Areas Under Camera Surveillance: Notice of the use of security cameras will be posted at the entrances of MCL buildings so that library visitors have reasonable and adequate warning that surveillance is or may be in operation.
  • Security Camera Locations: Reasonable efforts will be made to safeguard the privacy of patrons, volunteers, and staff by installing security cameras in locations where there is no expectation of privacy; examples include common areas such as entrances, near book and media collections, delivery areas, and parking lots. Cameras will not be installed in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms.
  • Retention and Storage of Digital Images and Recordings: Video and call recordings will be kept for a limited amount of time and automatically deleted as system storage capacity dictates. Video and call recordings of incidents may be retained and reviewed for as long as considered necessary by MCL staff. Storage media will be kept in a secure area.
  • Requesting Access to Digital Images and Recordings: Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 24-901 19, MCL is required to protect the privacy of all patrons. Confidentiality and privacy issues prohibit the public from accessing recordings which may contain personally identifiable information about patrons. Digital images or recordings may only be disclosed pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law after requests are reviewed by the Library Director or the Library Director’s designee.

Chris Mahre — MCPLD Board Secretary






Red Feather Mountain Library District 

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda 

APRIL 17, 2024, 11 AM 


Meeting at the Red Feather Community Library and by Virtual Zoom attendance  


Call to Order   

Determination of a Quorum   

Reading/Correction of the Minutes of the April. 20, 2024, Board of Trustees meeting 


Public Comments – limited to 5 minutes each, no more than four speakers.  


Friends of the Library Report  

Public Service Librarian Reports   





Committee reports:   

Treasurer and Finance Committee Report – Julie and Jena 

Policy Committee    


Director’s Report 


Unfinished Business:   

Report: Last month’s ‘to do’ list
CFNC funding and committee 

Review of the board document presented by Anna Szczepanski’s – Patrice Diem 

SB24-049 update: Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature) 

Webpage ADA accessibility 

Library cybersecurity
Follow-up – guns in libraries 


New Business:   

Farewell to Jackie and assignment of Board offices 

Library power outage of April 5 and 6
The library as an emergency center 




Next Policy and Documents: May 15, 2024, 10:30AM 

Next Board meeting: May 15, 2024, 11 AM
Next Finance: (incorporated within the general board meeting)  


Official placing and posting notices: inside library bulletin board; library front entrance exterior bulletin board; Main Street library bulletin board; library webpage at

Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees
Meeting MINUTES – March 20, 2024, 12:30 PM
Red Feather Community Library Stenzel Room and Zoom
I. Call to order: Jackie Scheuerman called the meeting to order at 1:05pm.
II. Determination of a quorum
Trustees Present: President Jackie Scheuerman
Vice President Ross Reid
Treasurer Julie Sauter
Secretary Leo Tipton
Trustee Bill Grindle
Trustee Patrice Diem
Library Staff Present: Director – Creed Kidd, Jena Paonessa, Darlene Kilpatrick, Janet Markley
III. Approval of the February 21, 2024, Minutes: Motion made by Patrice Diem and
seconded by Ross Reid to approve the amended February 21, 2024 Board Meeting
Minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Board of Trustees Correspondence – None
V. Public Comments (limited to 5 minutes each, no more than four speakers) – None
VI. Friends of the Library Report – None
VII. Librarian Reports:
A. Programming Librarian: Darlene Kilpatrick – applying for Bohemian Grant &
Emergency Food and Shelter Grant; Bunny Day March 30th; candidate needed – 55 yrs.
or older at 125% of poverty guidelines for paid help to library
B. Circulation Librarian: Janet Markley – large print material popular; use of MailChimp
emails due to Google limitations
C. Public Service Librarian: Peggy Wuenstel – planning a class on how to download books
VIII. Committee reports:
A. Treasurer and Finance Committee Report: Julie and Jena – Savings account – $150,760;
CSIP – $584,440; Checking account -$11,600; ordered Think Tanks (pods) $36,214
ordered; 1st Quarter taxes due
B. Policy Committee: See XI. New Business – F
IX. Director’s Report – Thank you to Bob Getz for snow shoveling; preparation for 3D printer use
X. Unfinished Business:
A. Updates on the CFNC and investment funds: Jackie & Julie – seeking revision of MOU
to allow John Stenzel to approve purchases via the library director/Board; CFNC charges
a handling fee for account management; Julie Sauter will contact CFNC to clarify
process of purchase approval; CreedKidd will find the old MOU with CFNC.
B. Follow-up on Anna Szczepanski’s board presentation in September 2023 – will adopt
Ground Rules for Board Communication at April meeting; Patrice Diem will revise.
Page 1 PJDiem
Red Feather Mountain Library District Board of Trustees
Meeting MINUTES – March 20, 2024, 12:30 PM
Red Feather Community Library Stenzel Room and Zoom
C. SB24-049 Content of Material in Libraries (bill before the CO legislature) – died in
committee; legislature working on open records act, open carry of firearms, and tax
equity revisions; remind staff of concealed weapon procedure (CLiC training)
D. Webpage ADA accessibility: Bill Grindle/Darlene Kilpatrick will call CLiC for training
with ReciteMe software; Darlene Kilpatrick will contact Babi Hammond for training on
website hardening
XI. New Business:
A. Library cybersecurity: Sumukh Torgalkar offering staff training; VPN software used;
SEE February 12, 2024 document link for Board discussion of cybersecurity

Review-and-Discussion_20240221-1.pdf ; concerns over phishing; 30 day limits for
staff before files are copied to external portable drives
B. Telephone conversation with John Stenzel per the CFNC library endowment
C. Resolution approving the 2023-year exemption from audit: Motion made by Patrice
Diem and seconded by Bill Grindle to approve and sign the 2023 year Exemption
from Audit. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Secretary position: Motion made by Bill Grindle and seconded by Ross Reid to
accept the resignation of Leo Tipton as Board secretary. Motion passed
E. Request change to monthly Board Meeting Schedule reflecting 10:30am Policy and
11:00am Board Meeting; Jackie Scheuerman will follow up with Bill Moxon
F. MOU from State Library: Motion made by Patrice Diem and seconded by Jackie
Scheuerman to approve the MOU with the State Library for Website Creation and
Hosting Services. Motion passed unanimously.
XII. Next Policy and Documents: April 17, 2024, Tentatively 10:30am
Next Board meeting: April 17, 2024, Tentatively 11;00am
Next Finance: (incorporated within the general board meeting)
XIII. Adjournment: Motion made by Jackie Scheuerman and seconded by Ross Reid to adjourn
the March 20, 2024 Board Meeting at 2:45pm. Motion passed unanimously.
Page 2 PJDiem





Janet’s Report – April 2024


I’m just keeping up with my regularly assigned duties…


Cataloging: Since the last Board Meeting, we’ve added 175 items to the collection.


Lost items: I’m working with patrons who have overdue and lost items. We’ve identified accounts with items lost more than one year and I’ve made notations on the patron’s end. The “Active” Lost List now contains 63.


Mailchimp – So far…17 in 2024


Inventory – Creed gave the OK for me to have my Sunday volunteers take on an inventory of the library.

This started July 23/2023 and we have 12 collections completed.  As each collection is finished, we’ll mark those items as “missing”. If not accounted for in the next few months…they will be deleted. I requested a custom report from the technicians at AspenCat/Koha to make this process run smoothly.



Older (continuing assignments):


▪ Creed has asked me to keep the Book Club lists current as well. I am also maintaining the clubs’ book lists for

the website. We’re hoping for a way to indicate which books have been assigned to particular meeting dates.


▪ Creed has asked me to keep the Large Print Collection from the Colorado Talking Book Library in a regular rotation.  At the end of each month, I’m retiring old titles so they can be refreshed with new ones.  This requires a bit of cataloging time in addition to materials preparation. I spoke with the Talking Book Library staff about adding more western titles to our collection. There was a little wrinkle with book delivery due to a staffing change at the Talking Book Library, but I think we’re back on track.


▪With the advent of 2 “automated” renewals, for a while I was unable to offer a 3rd renewal. This feature caused a huge bump in “lost items”. Since my last report, the option for a 3rd renewal is available again on the library software, which has brought our numbers back down again.

Quarterly: deleting item records for lost items that are over a year old and have little to no chance of recovery.  Creed has asked that we delete patron accounts with no payment on lost items prior to 2019. These charges owed will be written off.


▪ I continue to maintain our library’s email announcements list and have begun sending out the batch emails. My first successful Mail Chimp campaign was sent on 7/25/16.

2016 – 13 campaigns (announcements) sent

2017 – 38 campaigns (announcements) sent

2018 – 35 campaigns (announcements) sent

2019 – 26 campaigns (announcements) sent

2020 –18 campaigns (announcements) sent

2021 – 31 campaigns (announcements) sent

2022 – 36 campaigns (announcements) sent

2023 – 49 campaigns (announcements) sent



Library Board Report

Peggy Wuenstel, Public Services Librarian

April 17, 2024



Ongoing Activities

  • Public services, circulation, and shelving
  • Volunteer Mike Pickett is providing math tutoring services to a homeschooling family on Mondays.
  • Lunch and Learn presentation on high altitude, short season gardening had 28 individuals in attendance. May will feature digital services available through our library .Due to my vacation,  Ben Holzworth has been tapped to provide the presentation, with Janet and Darlene assisting.  Hopefully patrons will bring their own devices and can receive assistance in setting up their digital accounts. The “Recipe Book” Potluck will take place in June to promote the Friends of the Library’s search for recipes for their new cookbook and provide some needed seed money for its publication. There will be no July presentation due to Independence Day festivities. Poets and mountain residents George Kalamaras and Mary Ann Cain will provide a Poetry Workshop in August and Paul LeBrun will share the progress on the 9/11 memorial site in September. I pinch-hosted the Vegetable cooking class for Darlene with 14 participants.
  • The Community Calendar feature is running smoothly, and we have received positive comments about its service to the community. We have added both subscribers and event participants steadily. Janet is an extraordinary resource in this endeavor.
  • Cleaning and counting toys and other material lending library materials continues to be a big job. My Sunday volunteer has been trained to help with this task. She has also assisted with inventory and the Read Across America event.
  • Summer Reading Program recording sheets are complete. Personal logs are done for teens and adults. Darlene, Jena, and I need to meet to finalize details on reading logs, prize structure, and finale event. Darlene has indicated she will shift some of the organization and work to library employees Ben and Kylie. The National Theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library”. We previewed this at the Read Across America event to spark children’s interest and have prizes and books on display. I have reworked recording sheets and streamlined the prize recording process for desk personnel and volunteers. We are hoping to slightly revamp the prize structure, offering chances at larger “adventure” prizes vs. small trinkets for level completions. This will depend on whether we can secure local donors for “Adventure Experiences” and pending the discussion from the SRP team. Adults and teens will need to complete 3 books (rather than 5) to qualify for prizes.  We hope to have recording sheets available on May 1st with the first turn-in date of 5/31. The final “Camp Adventure” event will be held on August 17th, the weekend before school begins.
  • I have updated the “New to the Library Folders”, adding additional information about local clubs and organizations, Air Med Ambulance Service, Places of Worship, RFLE and PTO information and Chamber of Commerce and snowplowing resources.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Wuenstel

Public Services Librarian

Red Feather Lakes Community Library






Red Feather Mountain Library District 

April 17, 2024, Board meeting 

 Library Director Creed Kidd’s report 


Building & Grounds 

Charlie Stoddard (sited in Greeley) is scheduled to repaint the library exterior towards the end of May. 

Electrician Pat Conroy is installing the Stenzel Room lights today, April 12. 

The two privacy pods are scheduled to arrive and be installed in the Stenzel Room towards the middle of June. A pod reimbursement check ~$36,000 from Larimer County/North 40 Alliance has been received. 

Discussion with Schraeder’s regarding the purchase of a second 1,000 propane tank with an on-site inspection to be made by the firm regarding viability. 




Website accessibility 

Adjustments and fixes continue. State consultant Babi Hammond has provided access to a web diagnostic tool, SiteImprove, that allow a numerical scoring of a given website: 


ReciteMe accessibility toolbar has been licensed but not yet installed. An example of use can be found at  


Library cybersecurity / physical security 

Continuing evaluation of library defences and proactive discussion with library staff and volunteers. 

Repair/added components to our existing SimpliSafe security system. 


Library power and service outage, April 6, and 7th 

With the surrounding community we shared the wind-caused power outages of Saturday afternoon through Sunday. We closed Sunday, April 7. 

We had a service call with the vendor, Sandbox Solar, Thursday, April 11, determining why we had no system backup as designed. 

Issues determined included tripping of the switches across all 6 solar batteries, another switching issue across batteries, and a now third instruction set in starting and operating the backup generator: the installer of the genset; John Parker; and now Sandbox Solar. 

In any event this brings up the issue of the library being a source of community safety: a point that recommended for discussion.